Insert tab of Microsoft word

Insert tab of Microsoft word is the most important tab. It help us to provide different tools to, insert the table, picture, shape, clip art, hyperlink, header, footer, text box, word art, equation etc. These tools make the documents attractive, understandable and better logistics. These tools are  basically divided into seven groups namely Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header & Footer, Text and Symbols.
insert tab
Insert tab of MS Word

Now, let’s start to know about different tools group wise.

Pages group

The tools of this group mainly work for the inserting and editing page of ms word document.
Cover Page: – This tool is the very important to make the document finalise, because it help to, insert fully formatted cover page of the document. Cover page is the first page of any document or book that contain title, author name, date, publication and other information with different colour and design. After inserting the cover page that automatically insert as first page of document. We can edit it’s style, colour and text of inserted cover page.
Blank Page:- Whenever, we have to need to a blank page to update some new text or information in the middle or anywhere of document, that time this tool is most valuable to insert a blank page. It inserts a blank page at currently cursor available.
Page Break:- This tools help us, to break the page in two parts from the current cursor position. We can use the shortcut key for page break is “Ctrl+Enter”.
Lets see in this video how to use in hindi:-

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