Bihar STET Computer Science: Microsoft Word Set1

1. MS Office provides help in many ways, which of these is one of them?
A. What is this?
B. Office Assistant
C. Help menu
D. All of the above

2. To advance rightward from one cell to the next in a table, press the _____ key.
A. tab
B. backspace
C. home
D. enter

3. Which key Deletes the character to the left of the cursor?
A. End
B. Backspace


C. Home
D. delete

4. Which key Deletes the character to the right of the cursor?
A. End
B. Backspace
C. Home
D. delete

5. Where is the quick Access Toolbar and when should you use it?
A. upper-left corner and use it for your favorite commands
B. floats over your text and use it when you need to make formatting changes
C. Home tab and use it when you need to quickly launch or start new dcument
D. None of above

6. When you save a file as a Web page, Word converts the contents of the document into _____.
A. Java
B. Perl
D. Unix

7. By default, Word automatically formats each heading in a table of contents as __________
A. bookmarks
B. cross-references
C. hyperlinks
D. word-fields

8. Footnotes, endnotes, and indexes are all inserted as __________
A. bookmarks
B. cross-references
C. hyperlinks
D. word fields

9. Which of the following is not the part of standard office suite?
A. Word Processor
B. Database
C. Image Editor
D. File manager

10. What is the shortcut key to “Undo” the last action in a document?
A. Ctrl + X
B. Ctrl + Y
C. Ctrl + Z
D. None of above

11. Which key do you press to force a page break?
B. CTRL+ break
C. CTRL+ Enter
D. none of the above

12. To move to the end of the document, press the _____ key(s).
A. Down arrow
B. end
C. ctrl+Down arrow
D. ctrl+end

13. Which key is used to select all the text in the document?
A. Ctrl+T
B. Ctrl+A
C. Ctrl+F
D.. Ctrl+N

14. To undo the last work, press …..
A. Ctrl+U
B. Ctrl+Y
C. Ctrl+Z
D. Ctrl+W

15. Headers and footers can include text and graphics, as well as the _____.
A. current date
B. page number
C. current time
D. all of the above

16. Which tab contain Macro option
A. View
B. Review
C. Mailings
D. Insert

17. _____ are types of changes that occur when text has been omitted from a document and must be inserted later.
A. Copy
B. Paste
C. Cut
D. Paste Special

18. Which would you choose to move selected text from one place to another?
A. Move and Paste
B. Copy and Paste
C. Cut and Paste
D. Delete and Paste

19. Ctrl + X A. Close document
B. Close Word Application
C. Cut the Selected Contents
D. Copy the Selected Contents

20. Which is not a data source component?
A. mail merge toolbar
B. header row
C. data fields
D. data records

21. In Word, the mailing list is known as the ____________.
A. data sheet
B. source
C. data source
D. sheet

22. On the horizontal ruler, an upside down T indicates a _____ tab stop.
A. left-aligned
B. right-aligned
C. D.ecimal-aligned
D. None of these

23. To erase a character to the right of the insertion point, press the _____ key.
A. cancel
B. backspace
C. delete
D. either b or c

24. Which of the following enables you to make multiple changes in a document at once?
A. find command
B. Replace command
C. drag and drop
D. copy command

25. Which of the following is best for quick copy operation?
A. Copy and Paste
B. Windows Clipboard
C. drag and drop
D. Auto Text

26. Which of the following operations moves text from clipboard?
A. Copy
B. Paste
C. drag and drop
D. Cut

27. On which tab can you find Format Painter tool?
A. Home
B. Reference
C. Page Layout
D. Insert

28. Where can you find the draw Table option?
A. Home Tab
B. Reference Tab
C. Page Layout Tab
D. Insert Tab

29. Which tool used to make large first character of word as more than one lines?
A. Table
B. Word Art
C. drop Cap
D.. Smart Art

30. Which of the following is graphics solution for Word Processors?
A. Clipart
B. Word Art
C. Drop Cap
D.. All of above

31. The paragraph mark (¶) is a formatting mark that indicates where the _____ was pressed.
A. tab key
B. spacebar
C. enter key
D. shift key

32. Which keystroke is used for updating a field? 
A. F6
B. F9
C. F11
D. F12

33. Which of the following function key activates the speller?
A. F5
B. F7
C. F9
D. Shift + F7

34. Which simplifies the process of formatting text if the same formatting is required in more than one location
A. Auto Text
B. Format Painter
C. Font dialog box
D. None of the above

35. To change margin settings, click on_____ TaB.
A. Home
B. Reference
C. Page Layout
D. Insert

36. Which Tab in MSWord can be used to change character size and typeface?
A. Home
B. Reference
C. Page Layout
D. Insert

37. From which Tab you can insert Header and Footer?
A. Home
B. Reference
C. Page Layout
D. Insert

38. What is the tool in Word that copies only the format of selected text so that you can apply on other text?
A. Copy
B. Paste
C. Format Painter
D. Paste Special

39. Select a ______ to apply a predefined. format to a Word 2007 table
A. Table style
B. Table format
C. Format Style
D. None of above

40. Changing the appearance of a document is called.
A. Proofing
B. Editing
C. Formatting
D. All of above

41. Which language does MS-Word use to create Macros?
A. Visual C++
B. Visual Basic
C. FoxPro
D. Access

42. If you need to hide some paragraphs, how can you do it?

A. From Paragraph dialog box
B. From Font dialog box
C. From Options dialog box
D. None of above

43. To display more of the document on the screen in print layout view, the _____ can be hidden.
A. white space at the top of the pages
B. white space at the bottom of the pages
C. gray space between pages
D. all of the above

44. Which of the following is Page Orientation?
A. Landscape
B. Portrait
C. Gutter
D. Only A & B

45. Which indent marker controls all the lines except first line?
A. First Line Indent Marker
B. Left Indent Marker
C. Hanging Indent Marker
D. Right Indent Marker

46. Which of the following typically appear at the end of document for citation of source?
A. End notes
B. Foot notes
C. Header
D. Footer

47. Ctrl + L A. Left Align
B. Left Indent
C. Increase Left Margin
D. decrease Left Margin

48. The keystrokes Ctrl + I is used to
A. Increase font size
B. Inserts a line break
C. Indicate the text should be bold
D. Applies italic format to selecte text

49. Ctrl + K
A. Insert Page Humber
B. Insert Hyperlink
C. Insert Header
D. Insert Footer

50. Which of the following is used to create newspaper style columns?
A. Format Tabs
B. Table Insert Table
C. Insert Textbox
D. Format Columns

Answer Sheet:

1 – D
2 – A
3 – B
4 – D
5 – A
6 – C
7 – C
8 – D
9 – D
10 – C
11 – C
12 – D
13 – B
14 – C
15 – D
16 – A
17 – C
18 – C
19 – C
20 – A
21 – C
22 – C
23 – C
24 – B
25 – C
26 – B
27 – A
28 – C
29 – C
30 – A
31 – C
32 – B
33 – B
34 – B
35 – C
36 – A
37 – D
38 – C
39 – A
40 – C
41 – B
42 – B
43 – D
44 – D
45 – C
46 – A
47 – A
48 – D
49 – B
50 – D

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